Birth Photography {And why you should consider doing it!}

I am surprised that birth photography is becoming more widespread and more popular. I didn’t realize that it wasn’t something that most photographers offered. I have been doing birth photography for people..well, since before I became a “professional” photographer.

I worked on labor and delivery for a long time. I was a doula for about 14 years. I attended home births and hospital births, and even water births. One of the things I always did was have the parents show me their camera before the baby was born so that I could take photos for them after the baby had arrived and they could just be “in the moment”. I felt that this enabled them to have those first bonding moments worry free and that their images would contain their family unit, not just mom holding the baby!

When I tell people that I do birth photography, it usually elicits one of two responses. The first is “Wow, that is so cool. I bet you have lots of great stories”. The second response is usually “Eeeewwww”. Yes, eeewww. (Some people don’t like anything medical!). The first time I heard that I was shocked. When I think of birth I don’t think of anything gross. Body fluids and blood don’t bother me, I have a pretty strong stomach.

My goal when I take these images is to capture those first few moments after the baby is born and to capture the welcoming of the new baby into their family. No matter how many babies I have witnessed being born, each birth has been unique. To me, that means something huge! That means that no two births I photograph will be the same. I might use some of the same concepts, but they won’t be the same. As an artist, that means I have to keep thinking and coming up with new ideas! Birth photography is a wonderful art. You are not posing people, you are not creating a stage to showcase them…it is life and it is unfolding before your very eyes. What could be more wonderful to capture?

Once I show some of the birth images to the people who said “Eeeewwwww” I usually get a great response. They usually get so wrapped up in seeing the newborn that their mind goes from the medical part of it all to the baby and family component, and that makes me smile!  I view birth as an event, not a medical procedure! It’s a celebration.

I usually only show black and white images on my website, because some people can’t take the sight of blood or anything like that. I also think it draws the attention to the subject of the image more. It conveys the day and it stirs emotions. No distracting colors, just straight and simple. I do give the parents the images in color and in black and white. Some images I love in color and might show a few that way too. It all just depends on the birth, the baby and how it all looks!

If you are thinking about birth photography,  I can tell you that it is a wonderful experience. The hours can be long, but the end result is amazing! There is no time table you can chart for how long you will be at a birth so you should make sure it is something you can commit to before jumping in. You will need to make sure you can clear your schedule fairly easy two weeks before the due date and two weeks after (they don’t like to come according to the schedule we give them!), make sure you have child care lined up for your own children, and if you work another job, you might need to be off work. You can also be working into the wee hours of the morning, so be prepared for whatever gets thrown your way!

Before the big day (just like shooting a wedding or any other important event), you should discuss ahead of time what images the parents might really want. Discuss what happens in the event that your client have a cesarean. The anesthesiologist is usually the one who decides who can go in the OR and who can’t. Make sure you have a back up plan for your client in the event you are not able to go back with them.

There are times that birth doesn’t go as planned and things happen. As photographers, we must be sensitive to the families and to the mother as things change. No one likes to think about those things, but as a birth photographer you should talk to your client ahead of time about the “what ifs”, but not in a scary way.  You can also take cues from them by watching their body language. You will be able to tell if something is making them uncomfortable. And sometimes, they do need private moments together. Don’t be afraid to give them that space.

The most important thing for you to realize that the day isn’t about you or what you envision for the shoot. Don’t drag lights in the room. Don’t use your flash. Crank up your ISO and let the moments happen. (I really love those grainy BW shots, because I know they were taken in low light and that it was the best light for Mom to relax and then once baby is born, it is what gets them to open up their eyes!). Take the “fly on the wall” approach. (I have seen photographers NOT do this and it makes everyone very uncomfortable when they start making the day about them and what they have done or their own births!) Remember that these images are about a precious newborn, and once that newborn has arrived, make sure you capture all the sweetness of him or her. Tiny little fingers and toes, little bitty ears, tufts of wispy hair on their head, big sleepy yawns, eyes opening and closing and taking in their new world, first cries, and those moments of being held for the first time by mom, dad, grandma and other family members. If you have children, you can probably remember almost everything about that day. As a birth photographer, I watched the events unfold and I can recall them just like they were yesterday.

Birth photography is one of the most special things you can offer a family. You are witnessing one of the most pivotal and life changing moments they will have. Honor those moments with respect, grace, compassion and love. Not only are those moments life changing for the family, but they will be for you as well. You will no longer just be the observer of the day, you become the storyteller for the family and for that child’s birth. It becomes an amazing gift for the child, the family and for you as well.

Here are just a few samples of some birth photography I have done. I love these images!

(I have to say I love the black and white one where mom is staring at her son. She had a cesarean and even though she couldn’t hold him or touch him, he was her focus.She was very in tune to him and where he was and what he was doing. Dad brought him over for her to give kisses and love to immediately. Precious moment!)

Being selective…

A photographer had written a post about how she didn’t like selective color but got asked to do it a lot. She found that by using textures and working to make it her own style that she could do selective color for her clients and not compromise what she liked to do as an artist.

So, not being one to shy away from a challenge, I decided to try it too.

And here is my result…I am pretty happy with it. I don’t think it looks like selective color at all…


One of the best things I have learned by being a photographer has been to find beauty and inspiration in the most unconventional places. I don’t have to have everything be perfect forit to be beautiful. Not to say that there aren’t days when my inspiration has waned and I am feeling a little blah, but it usually doesn’t take much to spark my creativity and get me excited about shooting again.

I constantly find myself looking at other photographer’s work, not to compare myself to them, but to see what has inspired them. (And don’t ever steal someone’s work. It’s one thing to be inspired, but to blatantly rip them off is a no-no!). There are some amazing photographers out there and just looking at their work makes me want to grab my camera and head out the door.

Another avenue that seems to add fuel to my creative spark is Pinterest. Oh my, how I love Pinterest. Pinterest is a a social catalog and you can create boards and post things you like. I have a ton of boards and they range from photos of vintage cameras to weddings to style choices. Pinterest has grown in popularity and I really think it is because people are looking for that inspiration and that little “kick” to just get them going.

I have been lucky enough to befriend some fabulous photographers and when I see their work, I just want to push myself even more. It’s not about competition, but I know that I can do better and I want to do better. I look at images I took months ago, a year ago, two years ago, etc. and I critique them. With each shoot and each image I have gotten better. I have learned about my camera. Posing. Lighting. Learn. Learn. Learn.

My New Year’s Resolution every single year is to learn more about photography and editing.  While I am learning I am also finding and cultivating inspiration. As you learn more about techniques, you find that creatively you want to do more. It’s this circle and you can just keep going in that same small circle or you can choose to add to it and let that circle grow more and more.

I encourage every photographer I meet to keep a photographer’s notebook. You can write yourself notes, put ideas on paper, write down websites you like, tutorial info, and more. (I go through notebooks like crazy!).

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box and leave your comfort zone. You don’t have to follow the same posing and shoots as everyone else. Find things that inspire you and let your inspiration lead you to places you have only dreamed of. Learn to find inspiration and beauty in everything you see. Imagine you have a viewfinder at your eye while you are sitting at a park bench or waiting for your kids to come out at school pickup. Eventually you can train yourself to find creative angles and beauty even where no one has seen it before!  Everyone’s path in photography is different and yours should be as unique and imaginative and you!

One week…

Sometimes I forget just how tiny a baby is. I mean, my kids are almost as big as I am, so that is my everyday normal.

But then I go on a newborn shoot and I see those tiny little ears, and that wee little bitty pinky toe and those tiny little hands and feet, and suddenly I am transported to a blissful little world! As I move the babies into a pose and I take in their sweet little smell, I am suddenly reminded of my own children at that age. Newborn shoots are amazing. They are sweet, adorable, and always leave me feeling so happy and peaceful.

I have always said that before any leader makes a decision to go to war that he/she should have to spend 15 minutes holding a newborn baby. If they did this, there would be less war and more compromise. Babies are the ultimate peacemakers!

I heart this…

On a recent birth photoshoot I spied this and even though I realized it was the letter B, from the side where the Mom could see it, it looked like a heart. I thought it was incredibly sweet and that it served as a reminder of the love we need to show women (and their families) as they are welcoming their new baby!

(And it makes me want to run into all the delivery rooms and draw little hearts on the side of the machines!)

It’s raining…Babies!

It’s officially THAT time of year. I don’t mean Spring. (Spring has forgotten about us anyway…as I write this it is snowing!). I mean that wonderful time of year when all these new babies are being born. It seems like there is a boom around this time of year! There is another one between Oct/Nov for all those Valentine’s Day babies, FYI.

So I have been snapping and clicking away to some sweet lil’ faces. And getting to do a little birth photography always makes me smile, especially after I did the mom’s maternity pics too!

What an adorable lil’ guy! Welcome to the world!!!